Excel 2013 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free

Excel 2013 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free

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c# - ' provider is not registered on the local machine - Stack Overflow

  I'm Converting an Excel File to CSV in one of My Report Page in an application. and for that im using following code. C#. Copy Code. var. › articles › Automation-Manager-sho. I use new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=;Data Source=uploadedfile;Extended Properties=""Excel ;HDR=NO;IMEX=1""");to.  

Excel 2013 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free

  I did not have to install any additional drivers. Hope this will help if some one face the same issue.    


Excel 2013 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free


But thanks your comment makes it more clear. Thanks a lot romkyns — Iqbal. I found that this worked, while restricting the app to bit made no difference whatsoever. In my case: "Microsoft. Show 1 more comment. Empty; if Path. GetExtension path. I did not have to install any additional drivers. NoChance I think you have already installed Office 64 bit on your machine and it already contains Microsoft.

Thx for your reply, I have office only. Mumin Ka Mumin Ka 9 9 silver badges 18 18 bronze badges. This forces your app to run in 32 bit mode. You need this setting off if you want to be able to avoid the 4GB barrier. Kakopappa Kakopappa 2 2 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges.

Muhamed Shafeeq Muhamed Shafeeq 1, 1 1 gold badge 9 9 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. We have come across this issue in desktop app. Techvalens Techvalens 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. I did the following and the issue went away: Installed the 64 bit version of Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable , as suggested by neo Changed my provider to Microsoft.

Download the. Net for your application. When installing, all you need is CorLibs. After installation, find your CorFlags. For my install of the. Net Framework 3. Cullub Cullub 2, 2 2 gold badges 26 26 silver badges 46 46 bronze badges. Change in IIS Settings application pool advanced settings. Enable 32 bit application. Ajmal Ajmal 11 1 1 bronze badge.

Anant Dabhi Anant Dabhi I'm using VS for Winforms, the below solution worked for me. A Ghazal A Ghazal 2, 1 1 gold badge 17 17 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges.

Usman Khalid Usman Khalid 2, 8 8 gold badges 37 37 silver badges 65 65 bronze badges. To fix the issue this issue I have done the following started SQL Server Import and Export Data bit instead of bit and it is working for me. Banketeshvar Narayan Banketeshvar Narayan 3, 4 4 gold badges 37 37 silver badges 45 45 bronze badges.

Nick Nick 4 4 bronze badges. Anthony, How i can make only some part of a project to run in 32bit mode? All these DB connections, including Excel, will come under one project. Also i got the error in x86, when i try to run it in the 64 bit OS. I think this is because the DB2 driver installed in the 64bit OS is a 64bit version and when it is refferenced from the application, which is configured to run in 32 bit mode, causes the error. If splitting up the project into multipe exes is more hassle than its worth the you are left with only compiling to 32bit.

Typically things like SQL Server will install both 32 bit and 64 bit providers on a 64 bit machine. Thanks Anthony for your comments.

From doing a lot of search on this issue and from your comments, what i understood is, i have to create the part of the project which process the excel sheet as a separate project and make it compile in 32 bit version. Just so people know, A will have bit Jet. Thanks David, do have a 64 bit driver — neo.

The Overflow Blog. Will low and no code tools ever truly disrupt tech development? The [master] tag is being burninated. Right click on the project 2. Click Properties 3. Go to Build tab 4. Make sure that Platform Target is set to x86 As digimanus has mentioned in comment, there is no 64 bit version of Jet. Hope, it helps :. Posted Jun pm Suvendu Shekhar Giri. You can use Microsoft. You can check is it 32 bit or 64 bit system.

If 32 bit then use. Posted Jun pm praveenlob7. Add your solution here. OK Paste as. Treat my content as plain text, not as HTML. Existing Members Sign in to your account. This email is in use. Do you need your password? Submit your solution! When answering a question please: Read the question carefully. And you could change the provider as Ace.

Close If there is still this issue, please provide us your complete project and tell us your system environment. Sincerely, Gary E-iceblue support team. Fri Jun 07, pm So perhaps I wasn't clear enough. The issue is not that I cannot read from a ACE.

The method "SaveToFile " likely has connection strings embedded and that is where the Jet. This is a guess but it seems logical. Below is my complete code snippet for the area I am using your tool. Mon Jun 10, am Hello, Sorry for the delay replay as weekend.

Thanks for your more detail information to make us understand the issue clearly, we will do some research on the issue, once there are any progress, we will get it back to you ASAP.

Sorry for inconvenience. If there are any questions, welcome to get it back to us. Thanks, Gary E-iceblue support team. Tue Jun 11, am Hello, Thanks for your waiting. I talked with our dev team about this issue. They told me that must ensure that Microsoft.
